Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Updates Galore.........

So - dear Bloggy friend - welcome back. There is much to update you on, it being well into March of 2008 - I've gotten a little older, had another couple of shows on, got some things moving, worked with some fantastic people, and have a few other projects broiling away, including (Thank You Andy) a free venue for experimentation at Edinburgh, being co-run by mr Andrew Field, ready and waiting for you at http://www.thearcadesproject.blogspot.com

He's written an inspiring post about what we're doing and why we're doing it that I thoroughly reccomend all hot blooded theatre makers immediately check out.

But that's not what this post is about. Having recently platformed my play "Long Sentences" at Shunt (just last weekend - I'm sorry you missed it!) I am more aware than ever that us young artsy types Need a place to shakily peacock our feathers (do you like them? I really hope you like them) without a financial risk. I can feel nothing but immense gratitude that Andy and I will be providing the opportunity again at Edinburgh this year, and I am bursting at the seams to see what kind of work the young ragamuffin companies come up with.

But again, Not what this post is about.

Ach... what is this post about?

I have, as some of you have noticed (and commented upon!) Not been using this blog much since last year's Forest Fringe. For a variety of reasons, definitely not lack of interest, or a lack of belief, or even a lack of time, though I don't nearly have the time I wished I'd have, but because I have always found it hard to bridge the Professional importance of this kind of a thing (I'm a playwright.. the blog title declares it!) with my desire to just write about weird stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with theatre. Of course I want you to know I have a show coming up, of course I want to hear from anyone interested in vollunteering or participating in Forest Fringe, but I'd also like to compose sonnets to attractive pictures of dead poets, or write essays on philosophers I don't nearly understand.

So Just Do It Pearson! Do It , continue doing it, and Stop Yer Whining!

Whoah boy, fine, cool your boots, will you?

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